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Pinecrest 2023 Classes

If the Bible Were an HBO Mini Series | Part 2

The Bible is full of pretty gnarly stories - battles, love affairs gone wrong, jealousy, talking donkeys!?!  It sounds like an HBO miniseries come to life!  Envision what the Bible would look like as an HBO miniseries!  Note: This class is the next installment of last summer's class, but you didn’t have to experience the original to enjoy the sequel!  


Little Known Stories of the Bible 

Sure, most of us know the big stories: Creation, the Flood, the Resurrection, but there are a bunch of smaller stories in between.  Explore the inbetween stories, the tales from the margins, and the vignettes that paint a fuller picture of what God is up to in the Bible.  


Queer and Faithful

Queer and faithful - being true to oneself. Being faithful is queer! Discovering yourself as beloved, faithful and queer takes patience. Gather in community and explore the intersection of faith and identity!


Spiritual Healing through the Arts

"Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don't be afraid." - Fredrick Beuchner 

Art is an incredible gift and tool to fully face both the terror and beauty of this world.  In this class we will explore art as a medium for spiritual healing and a vehicle for faith.  No prior artistic experience necessary.  


Unlearning Bad Teaching

For many of us, there have been some unhelpful teachings that shape our faith.  Some of it is so prolific and pervasive, we don’t even realize there is another way to think.  Learning is a lifelong process, and adjusts with new discoveries.  In this class, shed unhelpful teachings and imagine new and healthy ways to encounter faith.


Science and Religion

Do religion and science mix?  How do we understand miracles in light of what we have learned about medicine?   Could God create the world WITH the Big Bang?  Let's come up with a hypothesis together!


Loss, Healing and Jesus 

Life moves along at a quick pace when suddenly a significant loss happens. The death of a loved one or favorite pet, an unexpected poor grade in a class, a broken relationship.  Loss is part of life.  Explore ways in which our Jesus relationship can help us adapt and heal.




Pinecrest’s 97th Annual Session Will Happen 

August 4-10, 2024


Any prospective camper looking to attend must be 15 years of age and no older than 26 years of age by December 31st, 2024. Attendance for the full session is required.

The seven-day session costs:

  • $450 for ALL first years for first-year campers, and for veteran campers who send in their registration before June1.

  • Registration costs $475 after June 1 for veteran (returning) campers.

A $50 deposit is due by June 1, with the remaining balance to be paid by August 1. ​



Assistance is available to ensure that no one is denied this opportunity due to financial need. Many congregations offer assistance, and we encourage you to have a conversation with your Pastor to see if your congregation can assist in sponsoring your week at camp. Partial, and sometimes full, scholarships are also available from Pinecrest. To request a scholarship submit the Scholarship Request form linked above to Reverend Danielle Miller, Pinecrest Director.


Registration questions can be sent to: 

Rev. Paul Miller at or the publicity team,

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